let me guess…you are here because…

…you want more connection with your family. You are exhausted and ready for a change. You want your children to be confident and capable. You want to finally stop the nagging and the yelling!  

I am delighted you are here. Here’s how I can help.

If you are an exhausted parent who is ready for a change – I’m your mentor.

Bringing parenting into ease and fun while growing confident, capable children – this is what I love to do.

Creative solutions for nagging, yelling, and tantrums – I have those. 

Helping to make the emotional leap so we can continue to love, accept, and enjoy our kids – that’s my specialty. 

Focusing on communication so families connect through the heart – yes, yes, yes!

I didn’t plan to become a parent. The book, Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Album, inspired me to be open to the opportunity. 

“There is no experience like having children.’ That’s all. There is no substitute for it. You cannot do it with a friend. You cannot do it with a lover. If you want the experience of having complete responsibility for another human being, and to learn how to love and bond in the deepest way, then you should have children.”

I left the decision up to chance and received two inspirational boys. Little did I realize that self-growth would become central to my being so I could keep my cool with my kids. 

From day 1 of being a parent, my baby didn’t act the way I expected. I received conflicting information from different sources and quickly got exhausted and overwhelmed. But, I knew people had been doing this for thousands of years, so there had to be a smoother, more natural way – a way that biologically felt authentic for a parent and child to co-exist and nurture each other.

It turns out there is. 

Modern parenting tells us children learn respect through fear and responsibility through shame and punishment. That is not so.

For thousands of years, parents used healthy attachment to raise confident children who contributed to society. Since industrialization, we have changed to encourage autonomy from the first weeks of life. We separate ourselves from our children to such a degree that we no longer understand our children and see the bright shining light of consciousness they hold. 

The basis for my work is these truths that humans have known for thousands of years: Children’s needs are the root of their behavior. And behaviors are amplified by the energy we bring into the space. 

Change comes when we connect with our children at a core level with an energy of understanding.  

The journey to understanding takes deliberate practice and commitment. It is bumpy. After all, we are humans working with humans with all of the beauty and imperfections that entails. I am here to guide, connect, and support you on your journey. 

I offer education, an empathetic community, and coaching to delve deeper, tackle unhelpful beliefs, and empower your parenting.

What else do I love? I love hanging out with my kids. I also love creating meals with whole-foods, spending time outside, practicing Non-Violent Communication, mindfulness, movement, and Breathwork.

Jai Institute for Parenting - Master Coach
Certified Sacred Depths Practitioner